The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at the Hampton City Hall for the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor Skog; Council Members Jennifer Budrow, John Knetter, and Amanda Jensrud. Council Member Endres was absent. Also present were Linda Holty, Deputy Clerk; Chris Meyer, City Treasurer; David Luhring, Planning Commissioner; and Cory Bienfang with Bolton and Menk.
Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Skog called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Disclosure of Interest – None
Approval of January 14, 2014 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to approve the January 14, 2014 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Approval of Disbursements – Council Member Knetter commented on the snowplowing costs and requested that future contracts be revised to look closer at the type of equipment that would be used and perhaps be able to estimate the time that would be involved. Mayor Skog questioned the City Clerk’s hours stating that they were more than the previous month when there wasn’t a Deputy Clerk. City Clerk, Wendy Carpenter explained that January was typically her busiest month due to year end reports, W2s, and 1099s and that she always tries to keep her hours under 30 a week and this month averaged 26 hours a week. Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to approve the February disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Public Comment – David Luhring mentioned that the snowplowing was going better than in the past, however, some of the snow piles left on the street corners are high and caused dangerous intersections. Knetter mentioned that the sidewalk along the old O’Brien building site was City responsibility, but due to the piles of snow it was impossible to clean off and the snow also creates a site line hazard. Jensrud requested that residents contact City Hall with concerns instead of stopping the plows to discuss their requests during City time. Skog said that a resident commented that the contractor was plowing Jensrud’s driveway. Jensrud stated that it had come to her attention that Skog himself had been heard discussing her driveway and that she does pay for her services and requested that if he had concerns, he address them with her in private.
Deputy Smith asked the Council if there were any concerns and recommended that residents keep their garage doors shut and cars locked.
Petitions, Requests, and Communications - Chris Meyer, City Treasurer explained that the Year End Financial Summary included in the Council’s packets provided a breakdown by month of all the City’s accounts and also a current list of CDs held.
An Annual Financial Statement was also provided to the Council.
David Luhring, Planning Commissioner gave a brief update on the Planning Commission stating that Amanda Jensrud was elected Chair and Theresa Dambowy was Acting Chair. At the last meeting, discussion on previous training sessions attended included topics such as creating an open communication between City Council and Planning Commission, including the City Planner on more of the issues brought up to the City, and also, that businesses are known to attend these training sessions to scope out municipalities that are interested in some business growth and it may be beneficial to attend more of the seminars. The Comprehensive Plan was brought up and the Planning Commission felt that it was new enough not to have to be revised, but everyone should be aware of what it all entails. Planning Commission terms were confirmed as being three years per City Code and Jensrud stated that interest forms should follow code and term expirations need to be staggered. Luhring stated that he would serve a three year term.
Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees
Engineer Report – Cory Bienfang with Bolton and Menk stated that the grant for locating the well had been closed out and a reimbursement would be sent to the City in the amount of $9,500.00 which would leave a balance of $2,000.00 to be paid with a County grant which would be requested after the completion of the job. Luhring inquired if there had been any word on the CDBG Grant. Bienfang stated that the application had been submitted but it could be months before the City hears anything.
Water / Sewer Report - None.
Park Report – Budrow commented that the ice rink was working out fine.
Street Report - Skog mentioned that Belmont would be in need of overlays and repairs. Bienfang recommended waiting until the thaw comes through. Skog asked if a grant could possibly be available in the future. Knetter confirmed that it was included in the budget to seal coat the Heights of Hampton and that it absolutely needed to be done and the City should also stay on the maintenance schedule that was laid out in the Comprehensive Plan. Knetter added that Belmont needed a lot of work and it would be a big project to repair the heaving and drainage issues. Bienfang suggested bundling repairs and then go with one contractor.
Unfinished Business – Water / Sewer Update - Skog stated that he had sent an email but due to internet issues the Clerk was not able to access it. Skog said that the figures provided by the Clerk were incorrect other than the four-plex and seven-plex and that the summer discount was not adjusted and Knetter’s property had been over credited. The City Clerk stated that she had focused on the accounts discussed at the January meeting and explained that she had arrived at her figures by taking into account commercial verses residential sewer rates installed incorrectly at the time of the transition to the new software as well as multi-unit properties running off of one meter being charged the wrong base usage. Carpenter stated that all properties that received the summer break discount may not have been given the discount per City Code but did benefit from a discount through an averaging calculation that Banyon had installed. Skog suggested discussing this issue at the March meeting after the Council could review his email.
New Business - City Mowing / Weed Control 2014 - Budrow suggested advertising for sealed bids that would be opened at a City Council meeting or a set time prior to a meeting as most cities do. Knetter stated that the smaller cities in the area go out for quotes and the reason that Hampton hadn’t done sealed bids the last year or two was because of legal requirements to accept the lowest bid even if it was not the best fit for the City. Jensrud confirmed the City policy states anything over $250.00 requires going out for competitive quotes meaning at least two quotes. Budrow said that she “Would like to shake the stigma that the City is corrupt.” and even though she knows that’s not true, has heard the statement being said. Knetter commented on a previous Council meeting and an individual coming and providing information at the last minute which did not allow the Council proper time to look into the contractor’s background and that may be the individual Budrow was speaking of in which case was the same person that sent harassing letters to the newspaper, and calls to the Clerk. Jensrud explained that it comes down to goods verses services and that where goods are concerned you are legally bound to go with the lowest price. Budrow said that the City didn’t go with the lowest price last year and spent $1,000.00 more. Jensrud requested that she be able to finish and stated that where services were being considered you are able to list specific things that you will be judging the quotes on. Budrow said that she would come in to open the quotes prior to the meeting. Skog strongly agreed that this be done and also mentioned that the acreage be checked so that it is correct when contractor’s submit their quotes. Knetter confirmed that the sewer ponds were excluded from both the mowing and weed control contracts and suggested that Cory Bienfang check the City maps for accuracy. Carpenter confirmed that the Council wanted to have the weed control applied both in the spring and fall. After further discussion, the Council agreed to advertise two weeks in the legal section of the newspaper for a three year contract on mowing services and weed control if possible, with yearly reviews of performance and monetary amount due to fuel increases or decreases. Motion by Knetter seconded by Budrow to advertise for quotes and award both contracts at the April meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Adjournment - Motion by Jensrud seconded by Knetter to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Carpenter