The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at the Hampton City Hall for the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor Skog; Council Members Jennifer Budrow, John Knetter, Ron Endres, and Amanda Jensrud. Also present were Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent; and Cory Bienfang with Bolton and Menk.
Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Skog called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Disclosure of Interest – None
Approval of March 11, 2014 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Budrow seconded by Knetter to approve the March 11, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Approval of Disbursements – Council Member Knetter requested that a review of the quantity of sand used as well as the cost be done at some point. Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to approve the April disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Public Comment – Jim Heiman representing the Fire Department requested approval to hold a Burger Fest in conjunction with Frank’s Place on June 21. Heiman explained that the event would be covered under Frank’s Places’ insurance and liquor license and that sanitation would be on site at the empty lot adjacent to the bar owned by Dorothy Doffing. The Fire Department requested the area between Water Street and Main Street be available as fencing would be provided as well as a tent, music, and grilling of burgers. A bike run was also planned for the day with the first stop in Hampton which could bring in as many as 1,000 people. Heiman stated that food would be served from 3:00pm until 8:00pm and music was planned until 11:00pm. An Assembly Application was completed. Motion by Jensrud seconded by Budrow to approve the Fire Department Burger Fest on June 21, 2014. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Petitions, Requests, and Communications - Mayor Skog and Council Member Knetter volunteered to conduct the Annual Internal Audit along with the City Clerk and City Treasurer. Council Member Jensrud offered to attend if needed. The audit is to take place sometime in May.
Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees
Engineer Report – Cory Bienfang with Bolton and Menk stated that a second grant application had been submitted to the Minnesota Department of Health for the continued exploration of the abandoned municipal well located at the old city hall Bienfang also provided an update on the downtown contamination testing confirming that after an onsite meeting takes place on April 9, samples will be taken April 10 and 11 and that the County has sent out an informational letter to residents in the area being tested as well as provided staff to be available to answer questions and concerns at City Hall April 10 from 2:00pm until 6:00pm. The County plans to present the results of the testing at the May City Council meeting. Cory provided signing options and quotes to delineate the parallel parking lanes along Main Street. Skog stated that it was not necessary as the City had no way to enforce the signs and recommended the Council wait and see if the issue is better now that the banks of snow were no longer present. Endres mentioned marking the street in ten foot stalls. Bienfang didn’t recommend that method as it would be very complicated due to the number of driveways in the area. Council agreed to meet for a workshop before the June City Council meeting from 6:00pm until 7:00pm to discuss the results of the CDBG Grant Application and to look at what direction to go in and what decisions will need to be made in the near future.
Water / Sewer Report - Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent confirmed that a check valve in the pump house was in need of repair and that a new valve had been purchased and just needs to be installed. Reinardy provided the Council with his retirement notice. Skog asked when Reinardy would like the Council to formally accept his resignation. Reinardy offered to stay until coverage is set in place as an unlicensed individual would need to work under himself for one year. Skog recommended hiring someone who is already licensed. Marlin mentioned that it would be beneficial to hire two operators and to get all maps of shut-offs together and more accessible as well as checking into contract locating. The City Clerk recommended she work with Reinardy on an advertisement to fill the Water/Sewer position. Motion by Jensrud seconded by Knetter to advertise the position on the League of Minnesota Cities Website and in the Cannon Falls Beacon employment section for two weeks to start. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The Clerk will email a draft of the advertisement to the Council.
Park Report – Endres questioned the broken boards on the ice rink. Budrow said that it had happened while Sno-Moe was plowing the snow off and that when the weather permits, she will be able to determine the extent of damage.
Street Report - Skog requested that Endres address the potholes in front of Russ Hatten’s home. David Luhring inquired on the street sweeping. Skog said that he was not sure if the County planned on sweeping the City’s streets this year. Marlin Reinardy recommended calling the contractor who did it last year. Endres commented that they had done a good job but as their equipment did not have suction, the streets were not quite as clean as previous years. Skog requested the Clerk call the contractor and post the dates of sweeping outside City Hall as well as the dates of hydrant flushing which Reinardy confirmed as April 22 and 23.
Unfinished Business – Water / Sewer Update - Skog asked if Council Member Jensrud assisted in the water and sewer billing audit. Jensrud confirmed that she had and found that the majority of accounts had been under billed. Skog did not feel that the information provided was correct and stated that there were many more accounts overcharged and questioned why rental properties were not listed as commercial accounts. The City Clerk and Council confirmed residential rentals are not billed as commercial accounts and do not pay taxes on water. Skog mentioned that late fees were being manipulated and questioned Knetter’s accounts as well as delinquent accounts being handled correctly. The Mayor requested the accounts be brought to the next meeting to be assessed. Wendy Carpenter, City Clerk confirmed that there was a procedure in place that would need to be followed. Knetter stated that the policy on late fees and delinquent accounts was a separate issue from the software’s billing issue. Skog requested the late fees and delinquent accounts be put on the agenda for May. Carpenter mentioned that the Council could stop in at City Hall or contact the Deputy Clerk or herself at any time to check on any account and inquired on how Skog arrived at his calculations that were different from the ones provided to the Council. Skog said that he would gather the information. Knetter asked Skog to clarify why Banyon, the City Clerk, the Deputy Clerk, and a Council Member were all wrong and he was right. Jensrud requested an answer and Skog stated that he would bring the information that would show ”How wrong you guys are.” and he was moving forward at this time.
New Business – Post Office Flag - David Claypool addressed the Council and explained that the flag at the Post Office is always in disrepair and had mentioned it to the Post Office Clerk and was told that the Postmaster had told them to rip it down before anyone else sees it. Claypool said that although the Post Office was small and not open all the time, that there was no excuse for such behavior. David requested that they be allowed to move the flag into the grass next to the sidewalk for easier access and to keep a more appropriate distance from the building. Cory Bienfang recommended staying two feet off of the sidewalk for biking and snow removal and stated there should be no issues with city right-of-way. Budrow thanked Claypool for bringing this issue to the Council. Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to allow the flag in the city right-of -way as long as it would not cause any utility issues. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. Claypool assured the Council that he would keep them informed and make sure everything was professionally done and also thanked the Council for all they do.
Sewage Dumping - Fran Arendt had requested to be put on the agenda but was unable to attend the meeting. Skog commented that Mr. Arendt had come by his house and Jensrud mentioned he had stopped by hers as well. Marlin Reinardy stated that he had talked to Fran and said that he was working on creating a smaller opening at the lift station for dumping which would allow the biggest part of the lid to stay closed and cut down on the odor.
Renewal of City Attorney Contract - Skog stated that although there was a price increase, he would be fine renewing the contract with the City Attorney, Campbell and Knutsen. Knetter recommended looking at other options. The City Clerk will call for quotes on attorney services.
City Mowing / Weed Control 2014 - Motion by Budrow to award the mowing contract to Anderson Lawncare as they were the lowest quote that had filled out all paperwork correctly. Knetter stated that it may be beneficial to award the mowing and weed control contracts to the same contractor to ensure that scheduling of maintenance be in the best interest of the City. Budrow reminded the Council that last year there had been residents at City Council meetings that had complaints on mowing and trimming services and the services were advertised as separate contracts. Jensrud confirmed that it was stated that contracts would be awarded in the best interest of the City. Endres mentioned that the weed control would not have much impact if another contractor would mow right behind. After some discussion, the motion by Budrow was seconded by Skog to award the mowing contract to Anderson Lawncare. Skog, Budrow, and Jensrud voted in favor. Knetter, and Endres opposed. Motion passed 3:2. Jensrud stated for the record that if this decision was not working out that the issue be reviewed next year. Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to accept the lowest quote for weed control, Ottomatic. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Jensrud requested that all calculations figured by Skog on water / sewer billing be brought to the next meeting.
Adjournment - Motion by Jensrud seconded by Skog to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy Carpenter