The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at the Hampton City Hall for a public hearing and the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor Skog; Council Members John Knetter, Amanda Jensrud, and Jennifer Budrow. Council Member Ron Endres was absent. Also present were Chris Meyer, City Treasurer; Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent; David Luhring, Planning Commissioner; Linda Holty, Deputy Clerk; and Cory Bienfang with Bolton and Menk.
Public Hearing Called to Order - The purpose for the Public Hearing was to discuss the 2015 Budget and Levy Certification. Mayor Skog opened the Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Skog suggested that a fund be set up for Youth and Community as donations may be requested by the Fire Department and other functions as Community Days. Chris Meyer, City Treasurer explained that the fund could be discussed next year as the levy could only be decreased and not increased at this time. Council Member Knetter confirmed that the ESI dumping revenue was included in the budget. Meyer commented that funds were being carried over for the seal coating of streets and requested that when looking at quotes for snow and ice removal that the type of equipment used be considered to keep costs down. Knetter explained that it would be easier to budget for costs if the city would go with a set price per month or season for snow removal. Jensrud stated that most communities went over budget last year due to the excessive snowfall. No other public comments were made.
Adjournment - Motion by Knetter seconded by Budrow to close the Public Hearing. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0. The Public Hearing closed at 6:44 p.m.
Regular Meeting Called to Order - Mayor Skog called the Regular City Council Meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Present were Mayor Skog; Council Members John Knetter, Jennifer Budrow, and Amanda Jensrud. Council Member Ron Endres was absent.
Disclosure of Interest – Skog stated that Knetter would need to abstain from voting on disbursements.
Approval of November 12, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes - Motion by Jensrud seconded by Knetter to approve the November 12, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Approval of Disbursements – Skog questioned the prosecution charges on Lampe Law’s disbursement. Wendy Carpenter, City Clerk confirmed that they were fees charged for court appearances and that a breakdown was available but not usually included with the information provided at the Council Meetings as individual names were listed. Motion by Jensrud seconded by Budrow to approve the December disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 3:0. Knetter abstained from voting. Chris Meyer, City Treasurer recommended breaking out Knetter’s check in future disbursements or perhaps calling for a separate vote on the one item.
Public Comment – Marlin Reinardy requested Council approval for the use of the Community Room for a Cardinal’s meeting and fundraiser. Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to allow the Cardinals use of the Community Room free of charge. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0. Reinardy thanked Ron Endres and Jennifer Budrow for their service to the community.
Petitions, Requests, and Communications - Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to set the special meeting to discuss Resolution 2015-01 Setting Salaries / Fees for 6:30 pm on January 13, 2015 before the regular scheduled meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Ordinances and Resolutions -
Resolution 2014-09 - Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to approve the Final 2014 Tax Levy Collectible in 2015 in the amount of $249,822.00. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees -
Engineers Report - Cory Bienfang with Bolton and Menk stated that Dakota County was requesting the City’s cooperation in the design of the 2030 Transportation Plan adopted in 2012 which includes CSAH 80 from CSAH 47 to TH 50 as a 10-ton route. Bienfang explained that all 10-ton routes will be implemented consistent with Minnesota State Statutes and that this designation would be considerate of Hampton’s past request to assist in cutting down heavy truck traffic on 47 through the city. Marlin Reinardy confirmed that the City could request signage be put in place to ensure enforcement. Budrow questioned if there would be any changes to current speed limits or if Highway 50 would need to be realigned and suggested speaking with Commissioner Slavik on the issue. Bienfang commented that it would be good to work with the County on the issue as they had taken Hampton’s concerns into consideration. Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to approve Resolution 2014-08 supporting Dakota County Designation of County State Aid Highway 80 as a 10-ton County Highway. Knetter, Skog, and Jensrud voted in favor. Budrow opposed. Motion passed 3:1. Cory provided an update on the downtown contamination testing and as the results had been inconclusive the County had referred the issue to the MPCA for additional resources. Bienfang stated that he would be attending a Vapor Intrusion conference on December 11 to gather information on the next steps planned. Bienfang explained the City was granted a JPA extension for the well sealing initiative which would allow the City until December 31, 2015 to complete the project and have access to the $15,000.00 grant. Cory confirmed that the GIS application was close to completion and training would be provided in December. Bienfang included an ordinance and application pertaining to a Right-of-Way Permit used by Empire Township and felt that such an ordinance would help the city track ongoing projects and would help cover administration costs and he would encourage establishment of a Right-of-Way Permit.
Water / Sewer – Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent reported a couple of issues with the lift station should be resolved and mentioned that there was a Vermillion Watershed meeting Thursday and felt that a representative from Hampton should be present. Reinardy agreed to attend the meeting.
Park Report - Budrow thanked Steve Hamilton, Kyle and Danny for their help with the repair of the ice rink and warming house. Carpenter questioned if a port-a-potty should be ordered. Skog said that Schlomka would probably be able to provide the service for less than Nature Calls. Council agreed to hire whoever was lowest.
Street Report - David Luhring, Planning Commissioner inquired on who should be contacted if residents had concerns on any slick areas on the street. Carpenter confirmed that they should call City Hall and the Streets Department would be notified.
Unfinished Business
Utility Permits - Skog suggested following the guidelines of the Empire or castle Rock ordinances and applications. The Clerk and Bienfang will work on a draft ordinance to be discussed at the January meeting.
New Business
Approve Final 2015 Budget - Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to Approve the Final 2015 Budget. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0. Chris Meyer, City Treasurer addressed the Council and requested approval to withdraw CD #85004357 from the water fund in the amount of $7,000.00 to replenish the fund that was depleted due to water main breaks. After going over the end of the year balances, Meyer recommended the purchase of CDs with $60,000.00 from the sewer fund and $20,000.00 from the general fund. Meyer explained that a debt service transfer was required to meet GO / Bond payments from the general, water, and sewer funds including both budgeted amounts and annual tax payments. Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to approve the debt service transfers, purchase of CDs, withdrawal of CD, and the amendment of disbursements doing so. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
City Hall Refuse Collection - Skog stated that he found Dicks Sanitation to be less than the current service provider Waste Management. Carpenter confirmed that the cost would go from an average of $90.00 to $28.00 a month. Marlin Reinardy inquired if that cost included the parks as well. Linda Holty, Deputy Clerk said that she would have the parks added as needed. Motion by Jensrud seconded by Knetter to hire Dicks Sanitation for refuse collection. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
City Credit Card Update - Carpenter requested Council approval to update the city credit card with signatures of Council Members elect. Motion by Skog seconded by Knetter to remove Endres and Budrow from the city credit card and add David Luhring and Jerry Huddleston. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Purchase of Water Pump - Motion by Jensrud seconded by Budrow to purchase a water pump for $400.00. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 3:0. Knetter refrained from voting.
Adjournment - Motion by Jensrud seconded by Knetter to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Carpenter