
City of Hampton

5265 238th Street East • P.O. BOX 128 • Hampton, MN 55031 • United States of America • 651.437.8846

Hampton City Council Meetings Happen Every Second Tuesday of the Month.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hampton City Council Public Hearing and Regular Meeting Minutes for February 10, 2015

The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at the Hampton City Hall for a public hearing and the regular scheduled meeting.  Present were Mayor Skog; Council Members David Luhring, Jerry Huddleston, and Amanda Jensrud.  Council Member John Knetter was absent. 

Public Hearing Called to Order - The purpose for the public hearing was to discuss and consider the utilization of Right-of-Way Permits.  Mayor Skog opened the Public Hearing at 6:31 p.m. 

Mayor Skog stated that the policy and permit application looked to be sufficient.  Wendy Carpenter, City Clerk confirmed the procedure to be followed which included forwarding any completed application to Council Member Luhring and the City Engineer for verification and any further direction and the permit could be issued after the City Engineer‘s approval and the appropriate fee was collected.  The fee was set at a minimum of $180.00 with an additional amount of .25 charged per lineal foot over 2,640 feet.
No other public comment was made.

Adjournment - Motion by Jensrud seconded by Luhring to close the Public Hearing.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 4:0.    

Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Skog called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.  Present were Mayor Skog; Council Members John Knetter, David Luhring, Jerry Huddleston, and Amanda Jensrud. 

Disclosure of Interest – None

Approval of January 13, 2015 Special and Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Knetter seconded by Huddleston to approve the January 13, 2015 Special and Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 5:0.

Approval of Disbursements – Motion by Luhring seconded by Knetter to approve the February disbursements.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 5:0.  Motion by Jensrud seconded by Luhring to approve Knetter’s February disbursement.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 4:0.  Knetter abstained from voting.

Public Comment – Mike Slavik, Dakota County Commissioner introduced himself to the new members of the City Council and mentioned that a Community Advisory Board in regards to the Ziprail was being formed if anyone was interested and stated that for the record he was opposed to the Ziprail. Slavik recommended the City apply for the 2015 Community Development Block Grant and would forward an application to the City Clerk. The Commissioner addressed the speed issues on County Road 47 and suggested the City request in writing that a traffic study be conducted and perhaps, install electronic “your speed” signs as they are 100% funded by the County. Slavik also discussed the option of entering into a JPA to allow the Sherriff’s Department to enforce other city ordinances such as jake braking.

Council agreed to direct the City Clerk to complete an application for the CDBG in regards to park improvements and formally request a traffic study on County Road 47 and Highway 50.

Neil Hoadley, Planning Commissioner informed the Council that he had been contacted by the Project Manager of the Ziprail Advisory Committee and requested approval to participate and attend the meetings being planned.  Council agreed to allow Hoadley to represent Hampton and thanked him for his time and effort.  Hoadley stated that he would provide updates to the Council.

Petitions, Requests, and Communications - Chris Meyer, City Treasurer provided the 2014 Year End Financial Summary and explained that it was an annual requirement that showed the monthly balance in each account as well as information on the city owned CDs. Meyer stated that he will also be submitting the City of Hampton Financial Statements to the Council by February 14 to comply with State law and will address any questions at the March meeting.

Ordinances and Resolutions
Ordinance 1114 - Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to approve Ordinance 1114 to Manage and Administer Use of the Public Right-of-Way in the Public Interest, and to Provide for the Issuance and Regulation of Right-of-Way Permits.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 5:0

Summary of Ordinance 1114 - Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to approve publishing of the Summary of Ordinance 1114.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 5:0.

Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees
Engineer Report – None

Water / Sewer Report - None

Park Report – Huddleston explained that he had been working with Paul Steinbruckner and for the most part, the ice rink was in good condition and Steinbruckner had been given authority to direct the City’s snowplowing contractor to plow the rinks as needed.  Jennifer Budrow said that there was a problem with the lights at the rink and expressed concern that Steinbruckner had access to the well house.  Knetter stated that Paul was an employee of the City and required access to the hose at the well house in order to flood the rinks.  Wendy Carpenter, City Clerk recommended having Brett Reinardy address the issue with the lights if Steinbruckner was unable to resolve the situation

Street Report - Luhring confirmed that seal coating quotes were being collected and that he planned to discuss some issues with the snowplowing contractor including some inconsistency in plowing all streets completely.   

Unfinished Business None

New Business - Refunding 2008A Bond Series - Shannon Sweeny, City Financial Advisor provided information on refinancing the 2008A Bond and explained that he had been monitoring the interest rates and planned to look at refinancing when it was closer to the call date of February 1, 2016.  At this time the interest savings would be approximately $232,076.00 if we refinanced but as the City cannot pay the current bond until February 1, 2016 new bonds would need to be issued months before they could be used to pay the old bonds which would cause the City to pay interest on the new and old bonds.  In summary, Sweeney had determined that if Hampton locked in today the savings would be $232,076.00 but if the City would wait until the call date, assuming that interest rates would not rise, the savings would increase another $42,002.00 due to no additional bonds being purchased. Huddleston thanked Sweeney and Meyer for bringing this option to the City and felt that the Council had a duty to act on this savings opportunity on behalf of the City.  Sweeney agreed as it was fairly close to the call date.  Meyer felt that it may be beneficial to act on this issue now and pointed out that the $42,000.00 was not a cost to the City, just that much less of savings in the end.  Sweeney offered to prepare a proposal for the March meeting to lock in on an interest rate unless a change would occur, which in that case a resolution could be drafted to allow the City to proceed as soon as the savings would reach a certain level.

Motion by Knetter seconded by Jensrud to order the proposals to be prepared and voted on at the March meeting.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 5:0.

Motion by Skog seconded by Jensrud to acknowledge the Engagement Letter required by the Securities and Exchange Commission providing David Drown’s financial responsibilities and rates.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 5:0.

Approval of Rental License - Jeff and Elizabeth Kunz requested that the Council approve their rental license as the fee had been paid, the inspection performed, and all requested repairs had been made aside from finishing the basement including some electrical concerns.  Knetter inquired if the basement was part of the living space.  The Kunz’s confirmed that it was not part of the rental living space but was just used for the water softener and furnace.  Knetter stated that any other electrical issues are addressed by the State, and not the City Building Official.  Council requested documentation that the rental agreement includes language stating that the basement is not part of the living space.  Knetter said that he would contact Scott Qualle, City Building Official for additional information.  Motion by Skog seconded by Knetter to approve the Kunz rental license after receiving the requested rental agreement documentation.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 5:0.

Planning Commission Appointment - Skog recommended that all the Council Members that currently served on the Planning Commission step down to make room for the three individuals that had submitted interest forms which included Larissa Luhring, Marlin Reinardy, and Keith Thompson.  Jennifer Budrow stated that she had turned in an interest form the day before the meeting but was told she had missed the deadline, although she had seen no notice with a deadline date on it.  Carpenter confirmed that the notice had been posted with a deadline of February 2 for Council meeting requirements and provided Budrow’s interest form to the Council.  Knetter confirmed that at this time there was one opening to full fill Jerry Huddleston’s term.  Skog said that he would like to see Thompson appointed.  Jensrud requested they consider the other applicants as well.  Skog said that he would have an issue with Reinardy being appointed as he was a paid employee and felt that Planning Commission members should not be making recommendations to the Council if they themselves sit on the Council.  Jensrud stated for the record that this was in fact the second time Skog had told her to step down from the Planning Commission and did not appreciate him asking her to make a decision such as this immediately at this meeting.  The City Clerk confirmed that a paid employee could serve on the Planning Commission legally.  Knetter explained again that there was one opening at this time.  Skog felt that Budrow would be an asset with her Council background.  Huddleston confirmed with the Clerk that there was a deadline and was concerned that they were not being consistent if the Council considered Budrow’s interest form.  Skog made a motion to table the item and allow another month to consider any additional interest forms including Budrow’s.  No second was made.  Motion failed.  Huddleston felt that Reinardy was a wealth of knowledge when discussing the City of Hampton and would be an asset to the Planning Commission.  Motion by Huddleston seconded by Knetter to appoint Marlin Reinardy to the Planning Commission.  Knetter, Luhring, Huddleston, and Jensrud voted in favor.  Skog was opposed.  Motion passed 4:1.

Enforcement of Non Sufficient Funds Fee - Carpenter confirmed that this issue had been resolved and all fees paid.
Adjournment - Motion by Knetter seconded by Luhring to adjourn the meeting.  All voted in favor.  None opposed.  Motion passed 5:0.  The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Wendy Carpenter