The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at the Hampton City Hall for the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor Knetter; Council Members Jerry Huddleston, David Luhring, Victor Anderson,and Kati Evertz-Garcia. Also present was Chris Meyer, City Treasurer; Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent; Brad Fisher with Bolton and Menk, and Cory Bienfang, City Engineer.
Regular Meeting Called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Disclosure of Interest – None.
Approval of April 10, 2018 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Evertz-Garcia seconded by Huddleston to approve the April 10, 2018 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Approval of Disbursements – Motion by Evertz-Garcia seconded by Huddleston to approve the May disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Public Comment – David Claypool, who resides at 4814 Birch Street, said that he was curious if the Council would be pursuing the trail discussed last year that would connect the Heights of Hampton to downtown Hampton and requested the costs that were involved in such a project. Huddleston explained that as MnDOT was planning the current Highway 50 Improvement Project that they had approached the Council with their plans and the City requested wider shoulders for the increase of safety benefits. MnDOT had confirmed that wider shoulders were not an option but did propose a trail and although Hampton had applied for grant funding, the City was declined and as of now there was no active effort on installing a trail. Luhring confirmed that the idea was included in the Comprehensive Plan and was part of a plan to be included in any future development. Claypool commented on the increased traffic and speed along Highway 50 and mentioned that there were a lot of children that bicycle and walk that stretch of highway. Knetter stated that he had approached the State on reducing the speed limit in that area, but was unsuccessful.
Wendy Carpenter, City Clerk read aloud a letter submitted by Amanda Lillington to the City Council in regards to the last Planning Commission meeting that she had attended. Lillington said that the Planning Commission was rude and needed to be reminded of their role. Luhring explained that he had been in attendance as well and felt that the individual bringing an idea of a new business to the City should have been treated more professionally. Huddleston stated that he will be in attendance at the next Planning Commission meeting.
Petitions, Requests, and Communications -
Annual Internal Audit – Council Members Anderson and Huddleston volunteered to meet with the City Clerk and Treasurer to conduct the annual audit.
Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees -
Engineer Report – Cory Bienfang, City Engineer stated that two quotes were submitted for the 2018 Pavement Maintenance Project which involved seal coating Main, Lincoln, and 238th Streets. Bienfang recommended accepting the lower quote of $22,000.00 submitted by Allied Blacktop. Motion by Luhring seconded by Huddleston to award the 2018 Maintenance Project to Allied Blacktop. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. Cory discussed two water supply plans required to be submitted in 2018, the first one being the DNR Source Water Supply Plan which would include some of the same information that Bolton and Menk had provided for the Comprehensive Plan Update. The City Engineer proposed gathering the remaining components and submitting the plan for the City for a cost of $5,000.00. Knetter recommended that Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent take a look at the plan requirements. Bienfang explained that the second plan, Wellhead Protection Plan, had two parts to it and that the MDH had submitted the first part and after being reviewed the second part could be addressed. Cory gave an update on the Highway 50 Project stating that construction had begun and that County Road 80 is now closed and will be for an unknown amount of time. The City Engineer discussed options on lighted stop signs that could be installed at the intersection of 47 and 50 as the current flasher was planned to be removed due to the Highway 50 Project. Bienfang stated that as MnDOT was not willing to work with the City during the project to replace the flashing light, the stop signs could be modified after the project was completed. Cory explained to install LED stop signs in MnDOT’s right of way, a permit would be required as well as other safety measures installed first such as additional signs placed in the area with reflective posts and flags, pavement markings, and rumble strips. The City Engineer recommended to keep costs down, the City could consider another avenue such as stop signs with a red flashing beacon installed. The City Council agreed to research that option. Bienfang inquired on the Council’s thoughts regarding the Capital Improvement Plan and felt that as the Water Street bond would be paid off in 2019, it may be a good time to look at the next street project on the schedule which would address Belmont Street. Luhring confirmed that area was broken down and the Council felt it would be beneficial to follow the CIP. The City Treasurer suggested looking into options and gather information from Hampton’s financial advisor. Motion by Luhring seconded by Evertz-Garcia to move forward with a feasibility report. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. Knetter recommended meeting for a workshop at some point in the near future.
The Deputy Sheriff briefly discussed local detours and road closures and reminded drivers to watch for motorcycles this time of year. The Deputy also suggested keeping cars and garages locked as break-ins were being reported. Knetter requested increased patrol by the Heights of Hampton.
Water / Sewer Report – Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent stated that he would be starting the discharge this week and said that the generators needed to be brought out to the lift station due to power outages last month. Reinardy discussed the water main break on County Road 47 and thanked the citizens for their patience and explained that Roger Otto had really stepped up and handled the situation well during a period of time that all other City Staff was unavailable. Marlin recommended asking Otto if he would be interested in being the City’s back up if the occasion would ever arise where an emergency would come up and no one could attend to the situation immediately to pull out generators, etc. Motion by Luhring seconded by Knetter to compensate Otto $15.00/hr for any work he may have to do in the future due to a city emergency. Knetter thanked Otto for his service to the community. Reinardy also mentioned that the hydrants were to be flushed the week of May 14 and that a dry air scrubber had been ordered for the lift station to help control the odor. Wendy Carpenter, City Clerk congratulated the Water and Sewer Staff on receiving a commendation from the MPCA for outstanding work.
Park Report – Knetter requested the City look into ordering woodchips for the park by the baseball field.
Street Report – Luhring stated that street sweeping would take place the week of May 14 and he would then look at filling the potholes. Luhring also requested the City Clerk and Engineer to follow up on ROW permits as Midco had been conducting work without applying for one and left the right of way unacceptable.
Unfinished Business – None.
New Business –
Dumping Station at 47 and Main – Fran Arendt thanked the Water and Sewer Staff for their dedication and inquired on how the air scrubber worked as well as where the funds to pay for the product were coming from. Knetter explained that this was a power vent to extract odor and was paid for by revenue collected from the dumping. The City Treasurer had provided the Council with information showing that the water and sewer rates would have had to be increased by 41% to provide similar revenue to the dumping. Knetter said that the City would try to pursue other opportunities as available to increase funds and also wanted to clarify that some of the gas small reported at times was in fact gas leaks as the Fire Department had been called on occasion to situations in that area. The Council thanked Arendt for his patience.
MnSPECT Activity Report – Kandis Hanson provided the Council with the 2016/2017 permit activity and valuation report and explained that 2016 had a bigger valuation due to two new homes. Hanson reminded the City of some surprising items that require permits and suggested always checking before starting a project to avoid penalties and fines. Luhring requested a follow up on older open permits.
New Home at 23431 Belmont – Tyler Walker with Wausau Homes stated that he had applied for his permit to build a new home at 23431 Belmont. Knetter recommended Tyler work with Marlin Reinardy on the water and sewer requirements. Luhring confirmed that the Planning Commission had reviewed the information and recommended approval as long as ordinances are followed. Motion by Luhring seconded by Anderson to approve the new home at 23431 Belmont. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Approval of 2040 Comprehensive Plan Draft – Luhring confirmed that an open house had been held to gather public comment on the Comprehensive Plan and that Ben with Sambatek had agreed that all specifications were met so when the draft was approved; Hampton could send the plan out to neighboring cities for comment. Knetter requested additional time to be able to take a closer look at the plan. Motion by Luhring seconded by Huddleston to table the item until next month. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Motion by Huddleston seconded by Knetter to add the Community Garden Discussion to the Agenda. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Jordan Partington had requested he be able to plant a garden on city property directly behind his home along Second Street. Knetter said that this was not being used as a street currently and confirmed that Partington would maintain the area. Luhring said that Jordan has maintained that spot in the past as well. Council discussed other options for future community gardens. Huddleston was concerned that if the City would allow this request, other residents would ask the same. Evertz-Garcia stated that each request is a separate and different situation that would need to be approved. Motion by Anderson seconded by Knetter to allow Partington to garden in the city ROW as long as things were kept up and there were no problems, until a time that the City would require the space. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Adjournment - Motion by Evertz-Garcia seconded by Luhring to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Carpenter