
City of Hampton

5265 238th Street East • P.O. BOX 128 • Hampton, MN 55031 • United States of America • 651.437.8846

Hampton City Council Meetings Happen Every Second Tuesday of the Month.


Friday, December 14, 2018

Hampton City Council Public Hearing and Regular Meeting Minutes for November 13, 2018

The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at the Hampton City Hall for a public hearing and the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor Knetter; Council Members Jerry Huddleston, Victor Anderson, and David Luhring. Council Member Katie Evertz-Garcia was absent. Also present were Chris Meyer, City Treasurer; Cory Bienfang and Brad Fisher with Bolton and Menk. 

Public Hearing Called to Order - The purpose for the Public Hearing was to discuss the 2019 Street and Utilities Improvement Project. Mayor Knetter opened the Public Hearing at 6:20 p.m. 

Cory Bienfang, City Engineer laid out the plan to improve Belmont Street from 47 to Park; Park Street from Main to Lincoln; and Main Street from Lincoln to Park and explained that improvements to infrastructure and pavement as well as replacing any clay pipes was being proposed. Bienfang said that included in the project would be the addition of curb, gutter, and storm sewer which should address any drainage issues. Cory felt that the feedback from the citizens at the open house was positive. 

Council Member Kati Evertz-Garcia arrived at 6:24 p.m. 

Bruce and Kim Doffing confirmed that the north stretch of Belmont would be wider and that a new water main will be installed. Bienfang mentioned the assessments were to be calculated per lineal foot as previous projects. There were no additional public comments on the issue. 

Adjournment - Motion by Huddleston seconded by Luhring to close the Public Hearing. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The Public Hearing closed at 6:40 p.m. 

Regular Meeting Called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Knetter; Council Members Katie Evertz-Garcia, Jerry Huddleston, Victor Anderson, and David Luhring. 

Disclosure of Interest – None. 

Approval of October 9, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes - Motion by Luhring seconded by Anderson to approve the October 9, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. 

Approval of Disbursements – Evertz-Garcia confirmed with the City Clerk that the disbursement to Triplepoint was for diffusers at the sewer ponds. Motion by Luhring seconded by Evertz-Garcia to approve the November disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. 

Public Comment – None. 

Petitions, Requests, and Communications - Motion by Huddleston seconded by Evertz-Garcia to hold a public hearing on December 11, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss and collect input on both the Comprehensive Plan Update and the final approval of the levy. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. 

Ordinances and Resolutions - 

Resolution 2018-12 –Motion by Luhring seconded by Huddleston to approve Resolution 2018-12 Accepting DNR Outdoor Recreation Grant Requirements and continue maintaining the hockey rink for public use. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. 

Resolution 2018-13 – Motion by Evertz-Garcia seconded by Anderson to approve Resolution 2018-13 to Certify Results of the November 6, 2018 General Election. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. 

Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees - 

Engineers Report – Cory Bienfang, City Engineer stated that the Belmont Sanitary Sewer Project was complete but had found some damage to the parking lot at the hockey rink and was working with the contractor to restore the affected areas. Bienfang said that he had received positive comments at the open house held for the 2019 Project and had a request for sidewalks to continue. Huddleston questioned if Belmont and Park could be considered alone without the section of Main Street. Cory explained that after meeting with the City’s Financial Advisor, Shannon Sweeny, and discussing funding options felt that the four block area was feasible and that Main Street should seriously be considered as it has been previously pushed back. Huddleston felt that as the community had talked about the project in a positive manner with no push backs, the City should stay on track with the complete project. Bienfang confirmed that it would be more cost effective when figuring in engineering and financing fees. Motion by Luhring seconded by Huddleston to approve Resolution 2018-14 Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. Luhring confirmed that Bienfang will be working with the State on replacing a street sign and discussing a hydrant failure after the Highway 50 Project. 

Water / Sewer – John Knetter mentioned that the hydrants had been flushed, the diffusers were installed, and that discharge was completed with tests coming back good. Luhring confirmed that John would be researching a gas generator for the lift station back up. 

Park Report – None. 

Street Report – Luhring stated that Hampton was on the street sweeping schedule but they were backed up a bit due to the cold weather. 

Unfinished Business – 2019 CIP 
See Engineer’s Report. 

New Business – None. 

Adjournment - Motion by Huddleston seconded by Evertz-Garcia to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m. 
Respectfully submitted,  Wendy Carpenter