
City of Hampton

5265 238th Street East • P.O. BOX 128 • Hampton, MN 55031 • United States of America • 651.437.8846

Hampton City Council Meetings Happen Every Second Tuesday of the Month.


Thursday, December 23, 2021

Hampton City Regular Meeting Minutes for November 9, 2021

The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at the Hampton City Hall for the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor John Knetter; Council Members Cindy Flodeen, David Luhring, Anthony Verch, and Nick Russell. Also present was Brad Fisher with Bolton and Menk; Chris Meyer, City Treasurer; Jay Biedny, Michael Wiese, and Todd Howard from Dakota County; Scott Qualle with MNSPECT; and City of Hampton residents Neil Hoadley, Gene Meyers, Anita Meyers, and David I. Hanson.

Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor John Knetter; Council Members Cindy Flodeen, David Luhring, Anthony Verch, and Nick Russell.

Disclosure of Interest – None

Approval of October 12, 2021 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to approve the October 12, 2021 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Approval of Disbursements – Motion by Luhring seconded by Verch to approve the November disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Mayor Knetter mentioned that two Dakota County Sheriff Deputies were present at the meeting and asked if they would like to speak. Councilors were asked how things have been lately, and the response was that things have been quiet. Deputies reminded everyone to report any kind of suspicious activity, and also mentioned that catalytic converter thefts continue to be a problem in the county, along with break-ins to out buildings.

Petitions, Requests, and Communications:

Request to be on the agenda – Bring the City run-off channel that runs parallel to Water St., from Main St. to Hwy 47, back to compliance – Neil Hoadley – Hoadley mentioned that this is something that he has spoken about in the past, but he has spoken to the EPA and MPCA and has new information on this topic. Hoadley noted the location of the run-off channel and how it flows. He described the reasons why he believes the run-off channel isn’t functioning as it should. Knetter stated that the runoff channel is not on City property, and the City cannot make changes to the grade of someone else’s property. Hoadley stated that his sources told him that the City has oversight and inspection authority of the channel. Knetter and Luhring both stated that this has been looked at before by Cory Bienfang of Bolton and Menk. Knetter said that there was nothing that could be solved that night. The City will contact Bienfang to get his notes on the issue.

Ordinances and Resolutions:

Resolution 2021-10 – Stating the Findings of Fact and Recommendation Regarding the Conditional Use Permit Request Submitted by Dakota County for Property PID 18-00800-77-017 - Knetter asked Councilors if they had any questions about the Conditional Use Permit. He then stated that he would like Councilors to direct their attention to the three recommendations made by Brad Fisher of Bolton and Menk in his October 27th memo regarding what Bolton and Menk considers needs to be done to proceed with the CUP approval. Knetter mentioned that the recommendations are included in the resolution document. Jay Biedny, Capital Planner for Dakota County was in attendance and addressed Council about the recommendations. He stated that item #3 of the recommendations regarding potential housing development is not something that the County has planned as a part of the process for the construction of the Dakota County southern fleet maintenance facility. He stated that the previous owner had a plat map that showed housing in that general area, but it is not something that the County is interested in doing. It is merely a potential opportunity for that to possibly occur sometime in the future because Dakota County has no use for that portion of the property in the long term. Knetter asked Biedny what the County would do if the City didn’t remove item #3 of Bolton and Menk’s recommendations from the resolution. Biedny responded that he felt that recommendation #3 would be the responsibility of the developer if Dakota County would ever sell that portion of the property, and it would be the developer that would have to abide by the City’s rules. Fisher stated that the reason for the recommendation mainly had to do with limitations for access to that portion of the property because it is so long and narrow, and that the hope would be to establish a right-of way for that reason. Biedny responded that the County’s position is that they do not want any residential property owners to have access to their private road. He stated that the private road will have large trucks on it and, if residential homeowners have access to the road, the County views that as a conflict. He stated that the County is open to having that portion of the property being spun off and developed in the future, but that it should not be tied to the of their construction of their private road for the facility. It is not something the County’s attorneys would approve. Additional discussion about access to Highway 50 and the importance of not having the City’s water system dead-end at any point to maintain the city’s infrastructure. Knetter asked Fisher if there was any middle ground regarding recommendation #3. Fisher responded that, as long as there is no guarantee that that portion of the property would be developed in the future, if it does happen then Bolton and Menk would work with the County at that time, and also work with the State to see if they could get another access off of Highway 50. Additional discussion about access to Highway 50. Biedny stated that his main concern about item #3 is, down the line if the County would sell that portion of the property to a developer, that the City’s position would be that, because the CUP was approved, the County would be obligated to give residents of that development access to their private road. That is not the County’s intent. – Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to approve Resolution 2021-10 as written, but with the removal of condition #4, and its subparts, for the CUP approval. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Biedny requested to speak again. He thanked Council for their actions today. He also mentioned that the County has gone through the wetland delineation that was included in Council packets, and when they go through the TEP process it will be available for public comment for two weeks, so any landowner that feels they would be affected by that should submit written comments into that process.

Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees:

Engineer Report – Brad Fisher with Bolton and Menk stated that, beyond what was just discussed at the meeting, one other thing that they worked on as far as engineering is a meeting that he, Cory Bienfang, and Marlin Reinardy attended with MNDOT regarding the Hwy 52 reconstruction project. The focus of the meeting was to try to identify a solution to the City’s ballfield drainage issue. He stated that MNDOT is well aware of what the issues are, and Bolton and Menk is in the process of working with them to find that solution. It is not something that will be resolved immediately, but as the state is in the process of developing their plans, Bolton and Menk will be in communication with them to come up with the best solution for the scope of their project.

Water / Sewer Report – Mayor Knetter reported that the sewer discharge has been completed. He believes that all hydrants have been flushed, but needs to check the list to make sure all have been done. Also, a solenoid was replaced in the pump house.

Park Report – Councilor Verch stated that things in the parks are good. He has both hockey goals at his house and is doing some repairs to them. They will be repainted and nets will be replaced. He also ordered new nets for the inside hockey rink.

Street Report – Councilor Luhring stated there is nothing to report. Old Business:

Lease of property at 5370 Lincoln Street – Mayor Knetter stated that progress has been made with this. He mentioned that, under New Business, there is an item to replace the garage heater and there is an estimate in Council packets for that. Knetter asked Councilors about their wishes regarding entering into a lease agreement. He mentioned that the rent amount that has been offered is $800.00 per month, and the lessee would pay for all utilities, minus the electricity that is used for the ball park. The City would retain 10-feet of space, in length, for the storage of tools and equipment. Knetter again mentioned that the garage heater would definitely need to be replaced if the City were to lease the building. Councilors agreed that leasing the building is a good idea because it is only costing the City money at this point. Knetter feels that he and the City Clerk can prepare a lease agreement, but that he would want it to be reviewed when completed by the City’s attorney. Knetter stated that one of the things he wants in the lease agreement is that they can’t have any vehicles parked outside of the building, other than the personal vehicles of the lessee. - Motion by Verch seconded by Russell to approve leasing the property located at 5370 Lincoln Street. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Knetter commented that he should have mentioned something during the Parks Report. Councilor Russell has volunteered to flood and maintain the hockey rink, and Knetter would like to thank him for that.

New Business:

MNSPECT Building Inspections Contract Amendment – Scott Qualle of MNSPECT was in attendance. He addressed Council, providing background information about the company. Qualle stated that the length of contract extensions has varied in the past, however at this time he would like to propose a 3-year extension. All provisions of the contract would remain the same. Discussion about the ownership status of MNSPECT. Luhring mentioned that he appreciates all of the work that MNSPECT has done for the City, but he said that the last two contract extensions were for two years, so his proposal is that the City accept the contract extension but believes it is in the best interest of the City to do a 2-year extension. Qualle stated that his preference is for a 3-year extension, but that he would sign off on whatever Council decides. Motion by Luhring seconded by Flodeen to extend the contract for a period of two years. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Well No. 1 Control Panel – PLC and Panel View Upgrade – Automatic Systems Co. – Mayor Knetter reminded Council that the existing control panel is obsolete and will no longer be able to be serviced, so needs to be replaced. Quote received from Automatic Systems Co., which was reviewed by Knetter along with experts in the industry. It was agreed that the price is competitive and this is the newest type of control panel that is made. Discussion about using ARPA funds for purchase. Knetter assured Councilor that those funds will be spent on other needs. Motion by Verch seconded by Russell to accept the Well No. 1 Control Panel quote received from Automatic Systems Co. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Main Street Generator Service Contract – Interstate Power Systems, Inc. – Mayor Knetter summarized the items included in the service contract and the cost of each. Councilor Verch commented that he feels the charges are reasonable for what the City receives with the service in that it ensures that the City has a well-maintained generator that will work when the City needs it. Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to accept the Main Street generator service contract received from Interstate Power Systems, Inc. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Old City Hall Garage Heater Replacement – Brockman’s Heating & Cooling – Mayor Knetter stated that replacing the garage heater is necessary in order to rent the old City Hall building. Motion by Luhring seconded by Russell to accept the garage heater replacement estimate received from Brockman’s Heating & Cooling. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.

Public Comment – Dave Hanson of 23533 Water Street requested to speak prior to meeting adjournment. He stated that, when the Dakota County southern maintenance facility is constructed, the wastewater from the building will be going to the lift station near his property. He feels that it would benefit the City to hard wire the generator to the lift station because of the amount of snow and ice that will come off of the plow trucks when washed. Knetter mentioned that he was glad that Hanson brought this issue up because a generator for the lift station is a qualifying expense for the City’s ARPA funds. Knetter stated that the City would need to work with the new owners of the property, which would be the County, in order to execute such a project. Knetter also stated that purchasing a back- up generator for that lift station was a top priority of his even prior to the time when the County contacted the City earlier this year about the southern maintenance facility project. He feels that installing a back-up generator for that lift station is important for the City, even if the County’s maintenance facility wasn’t going to be constructed there. The City simply needs to obtain an easement or purchase a small piece of property for the placement of a generator.

Adjournment - - Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Judy O’Brien