The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at the Hampton City Hall for the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor Knetter; Council Members David Luhring, Jerry Huddleston, Victor Anderson, and Kati Evertz-Garcia. Also present was Cory Bienfang, City Engineer; and Chris Meyer, City Treasurer.
Regular Meeting Called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Disclosure of Interest – None.
Approval of February 14, 2017 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Luhring seconded by Evertz-Garcia to approve the February 14, 2017 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes with one spelling correction. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
The Deputy Sheriff provided the Council information on a workshop being held at the Hampton City Hall April 19 to educate Senior Citizens on fraud and e-mail scams.
Approval of Disbursements – Wendy Carpenter, City Clerk stated that a final disbursement from the Jordan Greenleaf escrow account was included in the disbursements. Chris Meyer, City Treasurer explained the disbursement was issued to the City and then forwarded on so that in the event the individual could not be found after such an extended time, the open check would be on the City’s account and the escrow account could be closed at this time. Motion by Luhring seconded by Huddleston to approve the March disbursements and close the escrow account. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Public Comment – Pete Schaffer addressed the Council regarding his rental property inspection and felt inspections should be required for all properties and not just rentals and also stated that he has a CDA inspection annually which should be sufficient. Schaffer questioned the original public hearing notice and fee publication in 2003. Wendy Carpenter, City Clerk confirmed that a public hearing was not required for this type of ordinance and that fees were set annually in January by resolution. Knetter recommended Schaffer fill out a request to be put on the agenda if he would like to discuss the issue further and have it addressed. Luhring questioned what exactly Schaffer was looking to have changed. Pete said that he was curious if two inspections were required. Luhring understood the concern and requested the City Clerk to check on the two inspections and see if both would be necessary.
Petitions, Requests, and Communications -
Chris Meyer, City Treasurer provided the 2016 City of Hampton Financial Statements as required by the State Auditor. Meyer pointed out a few highlights of the year including: the Water Fund operating at a loss due mostly to the depreciation of fixed assets; the Sewer Fund’s income largely from the sewage dumping; the Indebtedness Report currently including three outstanding bonds; and the Statement of Investment showing the purchase of three CDs.
Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees
Engineer Report – Cory Bienfang, City Engineer reported on the previous petroleum leak issues and that the MPCA will conduct some sampling and work with property owners directly and proposed that the City waive the typical ROW permit fee. Bienfang confirmed that training for the new GIS software update would be free of charge. Carpenter will work with City Staff to set up a training time. Cory stated that he had estimated a cost of $20,000.00 for the seal coating of Main / Water / Doffings Way area and would supply quotes at the next month’s meeting. Bienfang provided the Council with a proposal for the Highway 50 Water Main Project and recommended construction take place this summer. Cory said that he would like to work with contractors to see if the cost could possibly be kept under $100,000.00 allowing the City to go out for quotes verses going through a formal bid procedure. Motion by Luhring seconded by Knetter to accept the proposal by Bolton and Menk. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Water / Sewer Report – Knetter mentioned the leaking valve that was part of the repair project above was all that he had to report.
Park Report – Council agreed to advertise for two weeks in the Cannon Falls Beacon both a mowing and weed control contract to be in place for two years with an option for one additional year. The contracts are to be kept separate but one company to handle both would be the preference.
Street Report - Luhring stated that the City Clerk would be scheduling spring street sweeping and also ordering new street signs for Hampton Ave. and Doffings Way as they were faded and barely visible.
Unfinished Business – None.
New Business - Knetter had wanted to discuss any interest or thoughts the Council may have on holding a City Festival and perhaps forming a committee of residents to consider different times of year, working with the Fire Department, looking at a street dance and other options. Anderson said that it would be a great idea as he had been trying to come up with ideas to prompt community motivation and attendance at Council meetings positively instead of just when they had complaints. Council agreed to look to residents for interest in forming a committee. Luhring confirmed with the City Clerk that options were still being researched for on-line utility payments as well as the search for a new city logo.
Adjournment - Motion by Huddleston seconded by Evertz-Garcia to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Carpenter