The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at the Hampton City Hall for the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor Knetter; Council Members Anthony Verch, Victor Anderson, Kati Evertz-Garcia and David Luhring. Also present was Cory Bienfang, City Engineer; Chris Meyer, City Treasurer; and Brad Fisher with Bolton and Menk.
Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Disclosure of Interest – None.
Approval of February 11, 2020 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Evertz-Garcia seconded by Anderson to approve the February 11, 2020 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Approval of Disbursements – Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to approve the March disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Public Comment – Tom Fleugal said that he was not happy with the Engineer, along with other residents that lived along Doffing, regarding the grading and a fence location.
Adam Siebanaler, who resides on Main Street, requested a copy of the conversation between Council Member Luhring and the towing company as it should be public data.
The Deputy Sheriff mentioned that Residents should be aware of thefts of car parts and provided information on the 2020 Census.
Petitions, Requests, and Communications – Knetter stated that due to the Primary Election in August, the City Council meeting would need to be rescheduled. Motion by Luhring seconded by Evertz-Garcia to add the item to the agenda and set the August City Council meeting for August 4. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Knetter explained that the Fire Relief Association requested a formal adoption of the benefit level increase to $1,850.00 that was discussed last month. Motion by Luhring seconded by Evertz-Garcia to approve the increase. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0. Knetter abstained from voting.
The Mayor congratulated Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent on receiving the Henry Walraven award and said that it was quite an honor that one individual is awarded in the state for their outstanding service to their Community.
Knetter also mentioned that the City had budgeted for new office equipment and as the current office computer was not adapting well to Windows 10, it would be replaced.
Chris Meyer, City Treasurer provided the 2019 Financial Statement and mentioned a few highlights including: Better interest rates being received through ICS; a water fund loss due to depreciation of assets, watermain breaks, and water meter replacements; Sewer revenue due to dumping in the amount of $55,200.00 which allowed assistance to the water fund; and pointed out the City currently has three outstanding bond series.
Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees
Engineer Report – Cory Bienfang, City Engineer mentioned that he would be discussing specifics at the April meeting on the Frontage Road turn back. Bienfang explained that after maintenance was completed on the City’s water tower, problems were brought to our attention and concerns on planning for the tower replacement was discussed and that he would apply to be placed on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s Project Priority List to see how the City ranks which would dictate the possibility for low interest funding. The City Engineer also said that with the weather turning he would be planning a walk thru in regards to the 2019 Street Project and set up any items that needed to be addressed before final completion.
Water / Sewer Report – John Knetter suspected that there had been a power outage at the lift station and checked into the situation and mentioned they were preparing for spring discharge.
Park Report – Evertz-Garcia stated that the City Clerk would be advertising for mowing and weed control services as in previous years with the addition of service in certain areas along Doffing, Main Street, and the playground areas. Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to advertise for quotes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. Evertz-Garcia also requested that the Clerk order chips for both park’s play areas and increase the amount from last year. The City Clerk said that she would also follow up on seal coating the ice rink surface.
Street Report – Luhring felt that the streets looked good in regards to potholes and requested the City Clerk order spring street sweeping.
Unfinished Business – None.
New Business
Ordinance on Parking Restrictions - Knetter explained that towing had occurred after Residents parked illegally on the street and requested Luhring read the ordinance on the enforcements policy. Knetter stated that the Council acted on the previous City Attorney’s direction to keep the streets safe but that the current City Attorney felt that the ordinance documentation was not correct. Evertz-Garcia said that it seemed to be all under interpetation of the law, but to show good faith would be in favor of reimbursing some of the towing costs. Council agreed to reimburse the cost incurred per the list provided by the towing company on a non-precedence basis. Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to amend the March disbursements to include the towing reimbursements to individuals on the list supplied by the towing company on the dates of concern discussed only.
Lisa Hanni, who resides at the Heights of Hampton wanted the Council to know how much she appreciated the ordinance as written and encouraged the Council to enforce it as the snowplowing was going great. Luhring confirmed that he did plan to continue enforcement to ensure safe streets.
Adjournment - Motion by Evertz-Garcia seconded by Anderson to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Wendy Carpenter