
City of Hampton

5265 238th Street East • P.O. BOX 128 • Hampton, MN 55031 • United States of America • 651.437.8846

Hampton City Council Meetings Happen Every Second Tuesday of the Month.


Friday, June 12, 2020

Hampton City Council Regular Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2020

The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 for the regular scheduled meeting by video / telephonic means due to COVID-19. Participants in the conference call were Mayor Knetter; Council Members Anthony Verch, Kati Evertz-Garcia, and David Luhring. Council Member Victor Anderson was absent. Also present was Cory Bienfang, City Engineer; and Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent.

Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Disclosure of Interest – Luhring stated that he would be mentioning ordinance violations and wanted to acknowledge that he had noxious weeds on his property he would be addressing.
Approval of April 14, 2020 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Evertz-Garcia seconded by Luhring to approve the April 14, 2020 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor by roll call. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Approval of Disbursements – Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to approve the May disbursements. All voted in favor by roll call. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Public Comment – None.
Petitions, Requests, and Communications – Luhring commented that the street sweeping went well and that he had letters sent to residents in violation of ordinances in regards to illegal dumping of trash / debris and motorized vehicles on private and city property. Luhring requested that enforcement of city ordinances be placed on the June agenda.

Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees
Engineer Report – Cory Bienfang, City Engineer explained that the 2019 Street Project’s final punch list items were about completed, including the repair of some concrete and final grading. Bienfang said that final pavement will be laid on Thursday.

Water / Sewer Report – Marlin Reinardy, Water and Sewer Superintendent mentioned that discharge tests were coming back well and he was working with Minnesota Rural Water Association in measuring the sludge reduction in pond #1. Reinardy said that he planned to purchase chemicals from State Chemical and would measure now and then again in one year to see if the process would be a benefit. The Superintendent explained that MRWA would assist at no charge and the chemicals would run about $10,000.00 versus drudging the pond and trying to find a way to dispose of the material for around $240,000.00. Council felt that working with the MRWA was a better option. Motion by Luhring seconded by Verch to move forward on cleaning the pond. All voted in favor by roll call. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0. Reinardy confirmed that hydrants would be flushed the first week in June.
Park Report – Evertz-Garcia confirmed with Marlin Reinardy that there would be some possible baseball practice games this year with social distancing and was in favor of opening the parks to the public with a disclaimer posted. Knetter stated that he would be fine with opening the parks and recreation as long as it didn’t go against any stay at home order or Governor’s direction. Council agreed to prepare the tennis court and open the public restrooms for anyone out walking. Knetter thanked Reinardy for cleaning up the park where the latest tree trimming took place.
Street Report – Luhring felt that a few of the streets up at the Heights of Hampton and Main Street needed some patching and would work with the Clerk to schedule the project.
Unfinished Business – None.

New Business-
Liquor License Fee Adjustment – Council felt that the City could look at a rebate on the Liquor License fees due to COVID-19. Motion by Lurhing seconded by Verch to issue a rebate to Meric’s and the Round Up in an amount to be determined at a later date after the shut down could be lifted. All voted in favor by roll call. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
2019 Street Project Easement / ROW Negotiations  Knetter stated that in regards to the 2019 Street Project, the area on Main Street is in negotiations and that the City had an appeal on the assessment of the portion along Belmont and that the City Attorney was involved and would be acquiring an appraisal which could cost between $4,000.00 and $6,000.00. Cory Bienfang also mentioned that the property owner would be receiving their own appraisal and that if negotiations did not come into place, then a hearing would commence to confirm the benefit to the property was accurate.
Adjournment - Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor by roll call. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wendy Carpenter