
City of Hampton

5265 238th Street East • P.O. BOX 128 • Hampton, MN 55031 • United States of America • 651.437.8846

Hampton City Council Meetings Happen Every Second Tuesday of the Month.


Monday, May 23, 2022

Hampton City Council Special Meeting Minutes for March 30, 2022

The Hampton City Council met on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at the Hampton City Hall for a special meeting. Present were Mayor Knetter; Council Members Cindy Flodeen, Anthony Verch, and Nick Russell.

Special Meeting Called to Order - The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss approving a Settlement Agreement between the City of Hampton and Northfield WiFi. Mayor Knetter called the special meeting to order at 7:16 p.m.

Mayor Knetter summarized the history of the litigation between the City of Hampton and Northfield WiFi over the last year. He mentioned that legal counsel recommended that the Council give Knetter the authority to be the contact person for all communications with legal counsel regarding the Northfield WiFi litigation. It was Northfield WiFi that initiated the lawsuit when the City asked for back rent for the period of time between when Northfield WiFi’s equipment was placed on the City’s water tower and when the contract for the placement of the equipment was signed. Northfield WiFi’s position was that they didn’t owe the City back rent, so the City told them to remove their equipment from the tower. The focus of Northfield WiFi’s lawsuit was for their equipment to remain on the tower.

Knetter further explained that the City’s legal defense costs were covered by insurance. The City could have chosen to sue Northfield WiFi for the back rent, but those legal costs would not have been covered by insurance, and those costs likely would have been about the same amount as the City would have recovered in back rent, so the City chose not to sue.

Regarding the Settlement Agreement, Mayor Knetter stated that his opinion is that the City should simply settle and move on. He asked Council for their opinions. Discussion ensued.

Ordinance and Resolutions:

 Resolution 2022-03 Approving the Settlement Agreement Between the City of Hampton and Northfield WiFi. Motion by Verch seconded by Flodeen to approve Resolution 2022-03. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.

Adjournment – Motion by Verch seconded by Flodeen to adjourn the special meeting. opposed. Motion passed 4:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Judy O’Brien