The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at the Hampton City Hall for the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor John Knetter; Council Members David Luhring, Anthony Verch and Nick Russell. Also present was Chris Meyer, Treasurer and Marlin Reinardy, Water/Sewer Superintendent; Brad Fisher with Bolton and Menk; Kathy Youngquist with Cassia; and Dale Hallcock and Keith Sande with the Randolph/Hampton Fire Department.
Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Disclosure of Interest – Mayor Knetter stated that a member of the Randolph/Hampton Fire Department will be attending the meeting and asked to be put on the agenda. Knetter said that, as a member of the fire department himself, he will not be voting on any actions that Council may make in regard to this agenda item.
Approval of the March 8, 2022 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes and March 30, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes – Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to approve the March 8, 2022 regular scheduled meeting and March 30, 2022 meeting minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Approval of Disbursements – Motion by Luhring seconded by Verch to approve the April disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Public Comment – None.
Petitions, Requests, and Communications:
Ottomatic Lawn Care Surcharges – Mayor Knetter stated that he had spoken with Roger Otto, of Ottomatic Lawn Care regarding a fuel surcharge due to rising fuel prices and a fertilizer surcharge, also for significant price increases since the mowing and weed control service contracts were bid. When Knetter discussed the fuel surcharge with Otto, Otto told him that Ottomatic uses 16 gallons of fuel per mowing. Knetter said that, in researching fuel surcharges, what he has found is surcharges are based upon mileage, not fuel consumption per project. So, he believes further research needs to be done and brought back to the May meeting. Discussion. Councilor Verch agrees that more information is needed. He feels that the City has an open, honest and fair relationship with Ottomatic, and that a fuel surcharge is warranted. Knetter also mentioned the fertilizer surcharge, and that fertilizer prices have pretty much doubled, but that more research is needed and should be brought back to the May meeting. Councilor Luhring stated that Ottomatic should come to the May meeting and make a proposal regarding the fuel and fertilizer surcharges. Council agrees that any applicable surcharges will be back-dated to the beginning of the season.
Randolph/Hampton Fire Department pension contribution – Keith Sande was in attendance as the representative of the Fire Department Relief Association. He informed Councilors that, at their business meeting last month, there was discussion about raising the pension contribution per year of service from $2,000 to $2,250. Consensus among Councilors that the increase is warranted. Motion was made by Verch seconded by Luhring to increasing the pension contribution from $2,000 to $2,250 per year of service. All voted in favor, with Mayor Knetter abstaining from voting. None opposed. Motion passed 3:0.
Business communication equipment located on the City’s water tower – Mayor Knetter informed Councilors that the Northfield WiFi equipment is off the water tower. There are two parties who have expressed interest in having their equipment placed on the City’s water tower and he would like to get Council’s opinion about that. Discussion ensued regarding the timing of allowing this when the City is actively pursuing replacing the tower, and the City’s ability to get a contract ready in time for this to benefit either party. Also, Knetter mentioned maintenance needs of the existing tower, including handrail issues, the need for cleaning, and the short timeframe until the tower comes down. Councilor Verch stated that he feels it would be in the best interest of the City to wait until the resolution of the current water tower issues before considering having any new equipment placed on the tower.
The second item on Fisher’s monthly staff report is the Water Street Lift Station Backup Generator Project. He explained that the City has received funds through the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Fund of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and that it is the City’s intention to use those funds to purchase a new backup generator. The generator will be for the Water Street lift station, and this will be a project similar to the one that Bolton & Menk completed for the City on the Main Street lift station. Bolton and Menk will use the same subconsultant (Design Tree) to assist with the electrical engineering required for the project. Fisher continued by explaining that the existing lift station is located between two residences. His proposal for the location of the generator is to place it at the southeast corner of Water Street and Sun Valley Lane, in the City’s right-of-way. A topography survey will be done to make sure the generator is not susceptible to flooding. Councilors asked Fisher if he had any concerns about locating the generator on a corner because of the possibility of vehicles going off the road and hitting the generator. Fisher stated that they certainly could put up a green chain link fence, or some other decorative barrier, such as bushes or trees, to protect the generator. Because of Council concerns, Fisher said he would explore other possibilities for the location of the generator. Additionally, Fisher mentioned that the new backup generator would not need to be as large as the one at the Main Street lift station. Also, the plan is to have the generator fueled by natural gas, rather than propane.
Water / Sewer Report – Marlin Reinardy, Water/Sewer Superintendent, stated that congratulations are in order for Josh Dixon, as he passed his wastewater certification examination.
For his sewer report, Reinardy mentioned that a discharge is scheduled to be done on May 1st. In June he plans to have someone from the Minnesota Rural Water Association come and measure the primary sewer pond. He is hopeful that the City can then go to a maintenance mode of treating the sewer ponds, versus the sludge reduction treatment that is currently being done.
Reinardy reported that there were two water main breaks in the last month. The first was on Northfield Boulevard, and the second was in the parking lot of the 7-unit apartment building at 23300 Main Street. Reinardy said his question is, who is responsible for payment of the repair? He believes the responsibility lies with the owner of the property because of the location of the curb stop. The City is responsible for repairs up to the curb stop valve and the property owner is responsible beyond that.
Park Report – Councilor Russell reported that he is still working on a grant for trash receptacles for the City. Also, he will be purchasing new basketball hoops. Marlin Reinardy mentioned that the family of Tony Nicolai will be donating a tree to the City in memory of Nicolai. He said he is aware that replacing some trees is a project that is still in the works, and he will work with who is in charge of that to determine where the donated tree will be placed.
Street Report – Councilor Luhring mentioned that Hampton Avenue needs repairs. He has been checking other streets as well to determine maintenance needs.
Ordinances and Resolutions:
Resolution 2022-____(04) Calling for a public hearing on approving the issuance of senior housing and healthcare revenue bonds to finance a project by the Rosemount, LLC and Praha Village, LLC and authorizing the publication of a notice of the hearing (The Rosemount and Praha Village Project). Kathy Youngquist of Cassia was present at the meeting. Mayor Knetter asked her if she had anything she wanted to present. Youngquist said she was there to answer any questions Councilors may have. Knetter asked if anyone had any questions about the project or the resolution. There were no questions, so Knetter asked for a motion to approve. Motion by Luhring seconded by Verch to approve Resolution 2022-04, calling for a public hearing on approving the issuance of senior housing and healthcare revenue bonds to finance a project by the Rosemount, LLC and Praha Village, LLC and authorizing the publication of a notice of the hearing. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Unfinished Business – None.
New Business:
Conduit Issuer for the Rosemount and Praha Village Project – Approval of item covered under Ordinances and Resolutions.
Professional Engineering Services for the Water Street Lift Station Backup Generator – Bolton and Menk -
This was reported on and discussed under the Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees in the Engineer’s Report. Brad Fisher of Bolton and Menk asked that Council make a motion to approve the contract for Bolton and Menk’s professional engineering services for the Water Street Lift Station Backup Generator project. Motion by Russell seconded by Verch to approve having Bolton and Menk provide professional engineering services for the Water Street Lift Station Backup Generator Project. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0
Mayor Knetter acknowledged a Dakota County deputy in attendance and asked if she had anything to report. She introduced herself as Nicole Young. She said law enforcement issues in the Hampton area have calmed down recently in regard to noise and automobile issues. She asked if Councilors had any questions for her. There were no questions from Councilors, but they thanked her for her service.
Adjournment – Motion by Verch seconded by Luhring to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 4:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm. All voted in favor. None opposed.
Respectfully submitted, Judy O’Brien