The Hampton City Council met on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at the Hampton City Hall for a special meeting and the regular scheduled meeting. Present were Mayor John Knetter; Council Members Cindy Flodeen, David Luhring, Anthony Verch (arrived at 7:12 pm) and Nick Russell. Also present was Brad Fisher with Bolton and Menk; Chris Meyer, City Treasurer; and Roger Otto with Ottomatic Lawn Care, Landscaping, and Snow Removal.
Special Meeting Called to Order – The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss Resolution #2023-01 – Setting salaries, fees, licenses and permits, charges for services, schedules, appointments and annual designations. Mayor Knetter called the special meeting to order at 6:33 pm.
Mayor Knetter asked what the opinion of Council was regarding wage increases. Councilor Luhring suggested a 3% increase across the board, as that is the average in the current wage market. Knetter agreed to a 3% increase for all employees, with the exception of the City Clerk and Treasurer, who he feels should receive a 4% increase.
Councilor Luhring suggested a 10% increase in rental fees. Discussion. After discussion, Luhring decided that, because of the small volume of yearly rentals, the administrative costs to change the rental fees wouldn’t be worth it.
Mayor Knetter asked Chris Meyer, City Treasurer, when water/sewer fees were last increased. Meyer stated that the last increase was in 2020. At that time, Council had made the decision to increase fees every 2 to 3 years to keep fees in line with the market, and so that fees would cover increasing system operating costs. Knetter suggested a 3% increase in water/sewer fees.
Knetter asked Brad Fisher of Bolton and Menk if the City’s sewer access (SAC) fee is in line with that of other cities. Fisher stated that it is, but on the low end. Knetter would like to increase the sewer access fee from $2,000 to $2,550 to match that of the water access fee.
Mayor Knetter asked if anyone wanted to make any other changes to the fee schedule. Councilor Luhring suggested that the annual fee for on sale liquor licenses be increased $100, from $1,200 to $1,300. Discussion. Fee will be set at $1,300.
Councilors reviewed the 2023 Appointments and Designations, and the 2023 Schedule of Regular Council Meetings and Schedule of Regular Planning Commission Meetings. There were no changes made to the lists.
Adjournment – Motion by Luhring seconded by Flodeen to close the special meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0. The special meeting closed at 6:50 p.m.
Regular Meeting called to Order - Mayor Knetter called the Regular Scheduled Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor John Knetter; Council Members Cindy Flodeen, David Luhring, and Nick Russell. Council Member Anthony Verch arrived at 7:12 pm.
Disclosure of Interest – None
Approval of December 13, 2022 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes – Motion by Luhring seconded by Flodeen to approve the December 13, 2022 Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Approval of Disbursements – Motion by Luhring seconded by Flodeen to approve the January disbursements. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Public Comment – None
Petitions, Requests, and Communications – None
Ordinances and Resolutions:
Resolution 2023-01 – Setting salaries, fees, licenses and permits, charges for services, schedules, appointments and annual designations – Mayor Knetter stated that this resolution confirms the recommendations made by Council during the special meeting. Motion by Russell seconded by Flodeen to approve Resolution 2023-01. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 4:0.
Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees:
Engineer Report – Brad Fisher with Bolton and Menk reviewed the 3 quotes received for the Water Street Lift Station Backup Generator Project. The low quote of $109,515 was received from Killmer Electric Company, Inc. out of Crystal, MN. Fisher explained that there were a number of factors as to why this generator project price came in higher than the previous generator project, including overall inflation. Other factors included low supplies of generators and parts, significant increases in copper prices, the site layout requiring boring and extended lengths of wiring between the lift station and the generator site, increase in steel and concrete prices, additional site work, and facility improvements to accommodate the service upgrade to 100 amps. Fisher’s recommendation is to award the project to Killmer Electric. Fisher reminded Council that the City obtained approximately $75,000 in Coronavirus grant funding, which will be used to fund the project, so there is a shortfall in funding. Mayor Knetter responded that there is plenty of money in the Sewer Fund to cover the costs. Discussion ensued about proceeding with the project. Fisher said his recommendation is to proceed with the project because of the benefit to the community. Councilor Luhring commented that in the future project costs could be even higher if the project were to be scrapped at this time. Knetter also mentioned the liability of having to haul a generator to the site. Motion by Russell seconded by Luhring to approve awarding the Water Street Lift Station Generator Project to Killmer Electric. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Mayor Knetter acknowledged two Dakota County Deputies in attendance at the meeting and asked them if they had anything to report. One of the deputies was new to the Sheriff Department and was introduced to Council. It was also reported that there had been several burglaries in the area, so it was recommended that residents keep things locked up.
Water / Sewer Report – Mayor Knetter mentioned that the dissolved oxygen and pH meter that Council had previously approved that he purchase has been ordered.
Park Report – Councilor Russell reported that the hockey rink was flooded, and that there was very little leakage when that was done. Snow fencing has been put up. Russell also reported that someone drove a vehicle on the hockey rink.
Street Report – Councilor Luhring reported that he had driven around the city with Ryan Otto, of Ottomatic Lawn Care and Snow Removal, the previous Sunday to identify areas where snowbanks should be pulled back. He said he also gave Otto permission to clear the snow out of the cul de sacs. Councilor Verch mentioned that, in some areas, the banks have been pushed back too far into the yards of some residents in the Heights of Hampton, and that there were occasions when banks were left at the end of driveways. Roger Otto was in attendance at the meeting. He asked Council what should be done with the alleys. Luhring stated that it would be okay to truck the snow out of the alleys, along with the cul de sacs.
Unfinished Business – None
New Business:
Planning Commission Appointments – Marlin Reinardy’s term ended in 2022. He submitted an Interest Form to serve an additional term. Motion by Luhring seconded by Verch to appoint Marlin Reinardy to the Planning Commission. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Pay Equity Report – Mayor Knetter stated that this is a report that the city must submit to the state every three years to verify that wages paid to employees are equitable and not based on gender. Motion by Luhring seconded by Verch to approve submission of the report to the state. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Rezoning (Map Change) Application – Part of PID 18-00800-11-010 and part of PID 18-00800-30-010 (referral from 12/15/22 Planning Commission meeting) – Mayor Knetter referred to application form and survey map included in Council packets. Knetter asked Brad Fisher his opinion of the request. Fisher stated that, in his opinion, it looks good and makes sense. Motion by Verch seconded by Russell to approve the rezoning application. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0.
Adjournment - Motion by Verch seconded by Russell to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor. None opposed. Motion passed 5:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Judy O’Brien